纳米氧化钕的制备及其催化性能的研究 | |
Synthesis and Combustion Catalysis of Nanometer-sized Neodymium Oxide | |
摘要: | |
关键词: 纳米材料 氧化钕 催化剂 黑索今 吸收药 热分解 | |
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Abstract: Nanometer-sized neodymium oxide has been synthesized by humid solid state reaction at room temperature, and characterized by scanning electron microscope, laser light scattering and X-ray diffraction. The effects of nanometer -sized neodymium oxide on catalyzing thermal decomposition reaction of hexogen (cyclotrimethylenetriamine, RDX) and absorbent powder (nitrocellulose absorbed nitroglycerin, NC/NG) have been investigated by DSC method. The mechanism of these catalytic reactions has also been proposed. The experimental results show that nanometer-sized neodymium oxide can catalyze the decomposition reaction of RDX and NC/NG effectively. The experimental results further suggest that nanometer-sized neodymium oxide is a potentially useful combustion catalyst of nitroamine propellant. | |
Keywords: nanometer material neodymium oxide catalyst hexogen absorbent powder thermal decomposition | |
摘要点击次数: 1334 | |
全文下载次数: 2195 | |
徐宏,蔡弘华,罗仲宽,任祥忠,刘剑洪,陈沛,赵凤起,田德余.纳米氧化钕的制备及其催化性能的研究[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(6):627-630. | |
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