Gauss Decomposition of RDF and Local Structure Calculation of Liquid Al70Cu30
陈莹 山东大学材料液态结构及其遗传性教育部重点实验室济南 250061 
边秀房 山东大学材料液态结构及其遗传性教育部重点实验室济南 250061 
张景祥 山东大学材料液态结构及其遗传性教育部重点实验室济南 250061 
王焕荣 山东大学材料液态结构及其遗传性教育部重点实验室济南 250061 
孙民华 山东大学材料液态结构及其遗传性教育部重点实验室济南 250061 
摘要: 运用密度泛函B3LYP方法对Almn30(m,n≤4)团簇结构进行量子化学计算,得到团簇的稳定构型。对不同温度下X-射线衍射实验所得的径向分布函数(RDF)在0.2~0.4nm范围内做高斯分解,结合计算结果对高斯峰的意义做了解释,认为计算所得部分团簇构型可以代表Al70Cu30合金熔体的内部局域结构。
关键词: 团簇 X-射线衍射 高斯分解
Abstract: The structures of Almn30(m,n≤4) clusters were calculated by the density function theory method (B3LYP) and the stable geometries of these clusters were obtained. Al70Cu30 alloy melt has been investigated using the X-ray diffractometer for liquid metals at different temperatures. The rational distribution functions (RDF) at 700℃, 900℃ and 1100℃ were obtained. The first peak of radial distribution function of Al70Cu30 alloy melt was decom-posed using Gauss decomposition in the distance of 0.2~0.4nm. The result of Gauss decomposition was analyzed according to the calculation results. Some of the calculation geometries can represent the local structure of Al70Cu30 alloy melt.
Keywords: clusters X-ray diffraction Gauss decomposition
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