用XPS和XAES分析电化学沉积的DLC膜 |
By XPS and XAES Study Diamond-like Carbon Films from Electrochemical Deposition |
摘要: 采用电化学沉积方法,以甲醇溶剂作碳源,直流电压作用下在单晶硅表面沉积得到碳薄膜。通过研究石墨、金刚石和样品薄膜的XPS和XAES谱图特征,证明了此方法沉积得到的是DLC薄膜;利用曲线拟合技术在C1s电子能谱图中拟合出sp3峰与sp2峰,并计算出样品薄膜中sp3碳的相对含量为55%;研究石墨、金刚石和样品薄膜的一阶微分XAES谱图,用线性插入法估算出样品薄膜中sp3碳的相对含量为60%。 |
关键词: 类金刚石碳膜 电化学沉积 XPS XAES |
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Abstract: The carbon film was deposited on silicon substrates by the electrolysis of methanol. XPS and XAES spectra show that the sample film is a diamond-like carbon (DLC) film. A curve-fitting technique was applied to separate C1s peak in the XPS spectra of the sample film into sp3 peak and sp2 peak, for which the percentage of sp3 is 55%. The first-derivative XAES spectra also show that the percentage of sp3 is approximate to 60% by the means of linear interpolation of D. |
Keywords: DLC film electrochemical deposition XPS XAES |
摘要点击次数: 1211 |
全文下载次数: 2095 |
阎兴斌,徐洮,王博,杨生荣.用XPS和XAES分析电化学沉积的DLC膜[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(6):569-573. |
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