无机层状纳米材料与聚苯胺的复合研究 |
Nanocomposites of Inorganic Layered Compounds with Polyaniline |
摘要: 聚苯胺被认为是最有希望在实际中得到广泛应用的导电聚合物,通过与无机层状纳米材料的复合改性,其复合物在二次电池电解质、光电转换、热电、磁电、电致流变等新材料领域显示出诱人前景。本文对无机层状材料与聚苯胺的复合方法、复合物性质及其应用前景进行了评述。 |
关键词: 无机层状材料 聚苯胺 纳米复合物 复合方法 性能 |
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Abstract: Conductive polyaniline was considered as the most perspective polymer which would be used extensively in the future. By nanocompositing with layered compounds, the mechanical properties, stability of interface, thermal stability and processibility of polyaniline would be greatly improved. Besides good conductivity and good application perspective in rechargeable cell, this kind of nanocomposites may also show many novel properties, such as pho-toelectric display, photoelectric transition, thermoelectricity, electromagnetism and elecrorheology through the synergic interaction of polyaniline with layered compounds. In this paper, compositing methods, properties and application of several kinds of layered compounds with polyaniline were reviewed. |
Keywords: inorganic layered compounds polyaniline nanocomposites compositing method properties |
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杨刚,侯文华,郭宪吉,颜其洁,陈懿,陈静.无机层状纳米材料与聚苯胺的复合研究[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(6):561-568. |
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