Studies on the Synthesis and Character of the Macrocylic Polyamine ODTH
迟姚玲 新疆大学化学化工学院乌鲁木齐 830046 
王吉德 新疆大学化学化工学院乌鲁木齐 830046 
岳凡 新疆大学化学化工学院乌鲁木齐 830046 
陈玲 新疆大学化学化工学院乌鲁木齐 830046 
关键词: 大环双核配体 电位滴定 质子化常数 稳定常数
Abstract: A new dinucleating 36-membered octoazadiphenol macrocyclic ligand, 3,6,9,12,20,23,26,29-octoaza-35,36-dihydroxy-16,33-dimethyl-tricyclo-hexatriacontane-1(34),14,16,18(36),31,32-hexene, ODTH, was synthe-sized by NaBH4 hydrogenation of the corresponding Schiff base obtained from the [2+2] condensation between triethylenetetraamine and diformyl-p-cresol. It was characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR and MS. The protonation constants of ODTH and the stability constants of its complexes with Cu(Ⅱ) in 1∶1 and 1∶2 system(metal-ODTH), have been determined potentiometrically at 25.0℃ and μ=0.100 mol·L-1 KCl. Poten-tiometric equilibrium studies indicate that a variety of deprotonated and protonated mononuclear and dinuclear, as well as hydroxy-bridged complexes, form in the pH range 2~12 in aqueous solution. The species distributions and the characteristics of ODTH and the complexes are also described.
Keywords: macrocylic dinucleating ligands potentiometric titration protonation constants stability constants
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