Synthesis and Characteristics of CoSn and Cu-Sn Alloys as Anode Materials in Lithium-Ion Cell
米常焕 新疆大学应用化学研究所乌鲁木齐 830046 
张校刚 新疆大学应用化学研究所乌鲁木齐 830046 
曹高邵 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院杭州 310027 
关键词: CoSn合金 Cu-Sn 锂离子电池 恒流充放电
Abstract: CoSn alloy and Cu-Sn samples were synthesized by H2-reduction following solid-state reaction between Co(Ⅱ), Cu(Ⅱ), Sn(Ⅳ) and NaOH at ambient temperature. The samples were characterized by XRD, SEM. The results showed that CoSn alloy (80~200nm) is globe-shaped, ultrafine hexagonal material, and Cu-Sn alloy powder consists of two phases, i.e. Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn. Cu-Sn powder has spherical morphology and the particle size is estimated to be 60~70nm. The electrochemical performances of CoSn alloy and Cu-Sn powder were studied using lithium-ions model cell Li/LiPF6 (EC+DMC)/CoSn (or Cu-Sn). It was demonstrated the reversible discharge capacities for 10 cycles keep above 280mAh·g-1 for nanophase Cu-Sn, and 60mAh·g-1 for CoSn alloy. Differ-ential capacity plots showed that the reaction mechanisms of Cu-Sn with lithium were reversible.
Keywords: CoSn alloy Cu-Sn lithium-ion cell galvanostatic charge/discharge
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