Investigation on New Mesoporous Solid Basic Material MgO/SBA-15
魏一伦 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
曹毅 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
朱建华 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
颜学武 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
摘要: 结合浸渍和微波辐射技术,分别采用浸渍、浸渍-微波、微波辐射等方法将醋酸镁高分散在SBA-15上而成为MgO改性介孔固体碱材料。结果显示:使用不同负载方法以及含铝SBA-15为载体,均能使MgO均匀分散;负载量达到20%时,XRD法仍未检测到样品上有MgO的晶相。实验表明负载的MgO在载体上形成了多层重叠结构,产生较多的中强碱位,而在介孔分子筛中引入Al原子则有利于碱位的形成。
关键词: SBA-15 MgO 介孔碱材料 负载
Abstract: Novel mesoporous solid basic material MgO/SBA-15 was prepared by use of impregnation of SBA-15 with magnesium acetate solution and /or combined microwave radiation. After calcination the loaded magnesium acetate could be converted to MgO that highly dispersed on the mesoporous host. MgO crystal phase was not observed in XRD patterns of the MgO/SBA-15 samples even when the loading amount increased as high as 20wt.-%. The efficiency of varies loading methods for dispersion of MgO on SBA-15 had been checked in this article, and most of them could make MgO uniformly dispersed in the porous support. Moreover, aluminiferous SBA-15 had been syn-thesized and employed as the carrier to support MgO. As the results revealed, an overlapped multi-layer structure of basic species formed on the MgO/SBA-15 mesoporous material, resulting in a lot of basic sites with medium strong basic strength.
Keywords: SBA-15 MgO mesoporous basic materials loading
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