The Interaction of CuZnSODⅢ and Outer-Copper
盛良全 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
刘少民 中国科学技术大学食品系合肥 230052 
叶纪华 中国科学技术大学食品系合肥 230052 
徐小龙 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
解永树 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
刘清亮 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
关键词: CuZnSODⅢ Cu2+ 相互作用 荧光光谱 烟草
Abstract: In this paper, we have studied the interaction of CuZnSODⅢ and Outer-Copper, enzyme activity experiments expressed that 0.1mmol·L-1 Cu2+ addition reduced the enzyme activity sharply, but this reduced action had not been found for the additions of 0.1mmol·L-1 1∶1 Cu2+ and Zn2+, and 0.1mmol·L-1 Zn2+, respectively. This was due to the Cu2+ exchanged the Zn2+ in CuZnSODⅢ,and it was proved by the experiment of determination of metal content. Meanwhile, the static fluorescence quenching mechanism revealed the exist of molecular complex of CuZnSOD with Cu2+. The binding constant was obtained from lineweaver-burk and double-lg plot. The distance of active site to Trp is about 2.83nm, was calculated according to F?rster theory.
Keywords: CuZnSODⅢ Cu2+ interaction fluorescence spectrum tobacco
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