Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Antibacterial and Antitumor Activities of a New Binuclear Copper(Ⅱ) Complex Containing Fluoroquinolone
王国平 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
朱龙观 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
俞庆森 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
关键词: 铜(Ⅱ)配合物 氟喹诺酮 合成 晶体结构 抗菌与抗肿瘤活性
Abstract: A new binuclear copper(Ⅱ) complex containing fluoroquinolone ligand, [Cu2(cfc)2(bpy)2(pip)]·6H2O, was synthesized and its crystal structure was solved. The formula of the complex is C25H26ClCuFN4O6, and the crystal-lography data are as follows, triclinic, space group P1, a=6.874(2)?, b=10.761(3)?, c=17.976(5)?, α=80.071(6)°, β=85.253(6)°, γ=79.109(6)°, V=1284.5(6)?3, D=1.542g·cm-3F(000)=614, and Z=2. R1=0.0776 and wR2=0.2235(I >2σ(I)). The copper atom is five-coordinate with square-based pyramidal geometry and involves two nitrogen atoms from bpy, two oxygen atoms from cfc and one nitrogen atom from pip anion. The stacking effect between cfc and bpy ligands from two neighboring molecules was observed. Both ligand and complex were assayed against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by doubling dilutions method, the complex shows the same minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) as the corresponding ligand against S.Aureus and E.Coli bacteria. The inhibitory effect of the ligand and complex on leukemia HL-60 cell line and liver cancer BEL-7402 cell line have been measured by using MTT (Methyl-Thiazol- Tetrozolium) and SRB (Sulphurhodamin B) assay methods. The results indicated that the complex has strong inhibitory effect on HL-60 cell line and on BEL-7402 cell line. CCDC: 191087.
Keywords: copper complex fluoroquinolone synthesis crystal structure antibacterial and antitumor activity
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