Research on the Hybrid Supercapacitor with Nickel Oxide and Carbon Nanotube Electrodes
王晓峰 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
王大志 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
梁吉 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
摘要: 通过电化学阴极还原的方法制备了氧化镍电极材料。经250℃脱水处理后氧化镍材料表现出法拉第赝电容的电化学特性且材料单电极比容量达到210F·g-1,优于普通活性炭材料。本文采用催化裂解法制备了碳纳米管电极材料,比容量达到了42F·g-1。提出了采用电化学法沉积氧化镍和碳纳米管分别作为电容器正负极的新工艺,该工艺制备的复合型超级电容器的工作电位达到了1.6V,且具有良好的大电流放电特性。实验还表明该型氧化镍超级电容器具有极低的自放电率。
关键词: 氧化镍 法拉第赝电容 碳纳米管 复合型超级电容器
Abstract: Carbon nanotube prepared by catalytic pyrolysis method have been considered as active electrode materials for the storage of energy in super capacitors. The value of capacitance obtained from nanotubes reaches 42F·g-1. The electrochemical performance of double layer capacitors based on two identical carbon nanotube electrodes have been discussed in this paper. The nickel hydroxide films were prepared through the electro-deposition. A cyclic voltammetric (CV) technique was used to study the effect of the annealing temperature on pseudo-capacitance of thermal annealing treated nickel hydroxide. The nickel oxide thermally treated in air at 250℃ behaves as an electrode of super capacitor with a specific capacitance (210F·g-1) superior to most active carbon electrodes. The fabrication and characterization of nickel oxide/KOH/ carbon nanotubes hybrid supercapacitor have been de-scribed. Nickel oxide and carbon nanotubes prepared were applied to the positive and negative electrodes respec-tively. The maximum operational voltage of the capacitor was improved to 1.6V and excellent characteristic of high power discharge was attained in this way. This type of hybrid supercapacitor exhibited much lower self-discharge rate than ultra capacitor composed of two identical carbon nanotube electrodes.
Keywords: nickel oxide pseudo-capacitance carbon nanotubes hybrid supercapacitor
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