芳香二磺酸的配位化学研究化合物[Ni(cyclam)(1,5nds)]·1/3H2O (1)和[Co(cyclam)(H2O)2](1,5nds)·2H2O (2)的合成与结构(英文)
Coordination Chemistry of Arenedisulfonate Syntheses and Crystal Structures of [Ni(cyclam)(1,5nds)]·1/3H2O (1) and [Co(cyclam)(H2O)2](1,5nds)·2H2O (2)
蔡继文 中山大学化学化工学院广州 510275 
陈彩虹 中山大学化学化工学院广州 510275 
周金森 中山大学化学化工学院广州 510275 
摘要: 合成了两个二价的过渡金属磺酸化合物,并通过X-射线衍射单晶结构分析进行结构表征。化合物[Ni(cyclam)(1,5nds)]·1/3H2O (1)以P2(1)/c空间群结晶,晶胞参数为a=8.583(5),b=10.533(6),c=12.946(7)?,β=92.433(9)°。 [Ni(cyclam)]2+与两个磺酸基团形成弱配位,从而构筑了一维的配聚物。[Ni(cycla
关键词: 镍(Ⅱ) 钴(Ⅱ) 配位化学 1,5-萘二磺酸根离子 氢键
Abstract: Two novel divalent transition metal disulfonates were synthesized and characterized by X-ray single crystal diffraction. [Ni(cyclam)(1,5nds)]·1/3H2O (1) crystallized in space group P2(1)/c with unit cell parameters a=8.583(5), b=10.533(6), c=12.946(7)?, and β=92.433(9)°. The Ni2+ center is coordinated by the cyclam ligand and two sulfonate groups. The interactions between [Ni(cyclam)]2+ and the sulfonates are further enhanced by multiple hydrogen bonds of type O2S-O…H-N. [Co(cyclam)(H2O)2](1,5nds)·2H2O (2) crys-tallized in space group P1 with unit cell parameters a=8.738(5), b=9.324(5), c=10.118(5)?, α=81.382(8), β=64.868(8), and γ= 62.999(8)°. The sulfonate groups do not have any direct contact with the Co2+ center, instead, they form second sphere coordination with Ni2+ via hydrogen bonds and extend the structure into a 3-D network. CCDC: 194341, 194342.
Keywords: nickel(Ⅱ) cobalt(Ⅱ) coordination chemistry 1,5-naphthalenedisulfoante anion hydrogen bond
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蔡继文,陈彩虹,周金森.芳香二磺酸的配位化学研究化合物[Ni(cyclam)(1,5nds)]·1/3H2O (1)和[Co(cyclam)(H2O)2](1,5nds)·2H2O (2)的合成与结构(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(1):81-85.
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