The Controlled Preparation of ZnO Superlattice Particles with Hexagonal Shape
王晓娟 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
张宪玺 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
马长勤 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
张建华 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
朱庆增 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
姜建壮 山东大学化学系济南 250100 
摘要: 本文通过蒸发微乳液体系中的溶剂得到了六角形的氧化锌亚微米粒子,其具有超晶格结构。所得产物用红外(FT-IR)和透射电镜(TEM)进行了表征,并进行了热重分析(TGA)。通过监测反应过程,研究了该粒子的形成机制。实验观察到约7nm的纳米氧化锌粒子聚集成亚微米的球形超晶格粒子,该球形粒子随溶剂蒸发进行了自组装,并由于界面相互作用转换成六角形的超晶格粒子。
关键词: 氧化锌 控制制备 超晶格 形成机制
Abstract: The submicron ZnO superlattice particles with hexagonal morphology were prepared through vaporizing solvents in microemulsion. The products were analyzed using FT-IR, TEM and TGA techniques. The formation mechanism is investigated by monitoring the reaction process using TEM techniques. In our experiment, initially, the submi-cron superlattice particles with spherical shape are created through nanoparticles about 7nm aggregating via hy-drogen bonds instead of through the direct growth process of small particles. With vaporizing solvent, these spherical particles self-assemble due to hydrophobic interaction between surfactant molecules. Meanwhile, because the surfactant on the surface of superlattice particles strengthens the interfacial interaction, the spherical particles evolve into the hexagonal ones.
Keywords: ZnO controlled preparation superlattice formation mechanism
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