Recent Advances in the Study of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Materials
张磊 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
程鹏 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
摘要: 有机-无机纳米复合材料的研究在当前纳米科学技术的发展中占有重要地位,开创了材料与催化科学研究的新纪元。自从10年前首次合成纳米孔无机材料MCM-41至今,该领域研究不断深入,已展现出广阔的应用前景。当客体有机分子分散于纳米孔道内部时,其分子性质将产生明显变化。本文结合作者近期研究成果,力图从实验与理论两方面阐明在纳米复合体系中客体分子性质变化的原因。
关键词: 纳米复合材料 主-客体体系 电子限域
Abstract: Organic-inorganic nanocomposite materials give enormous stimulus to the field of nano-science and technology, opening new horizons for materials science and catalytic science. Since the first synthesis of nanoporous inorganic material MCM-41 ten years ago, research in this field has expanded at a breathtaking pace. From the preparation of novel nanocomposite materials to the recent studies of their optical and electronic behaviors, organic-inorganic nanocomposite materials have found their way into an ever-broadening range of applications. Encapsulation of or-ganic molecules in the inorganic host may produce significant changes of the molecular properties of the guest species. The present feature article focuses on explaining these changes in such nanocomposite systems, with particular emphasis on both experimental and theoretical evaluations.
Keywords: nanocomposite material host-guest system electronic confinement
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