Study on the Liquid-Solid Equilibrium and its Physico-Chemical Properties of Ternary System RbCl-C2H5OH-H2O
张军 兰州大学化学化工学院,兰州 730000
河南科技大学,洛阳 471039 
高世扬 兰州大学化学化工学院,兰州 730000
中国科学院盐湖研究所二部,西安 710043 
夏树屏 中国科学院盐湖研究所二部,西安 710043 
关键词: 氯化铷 乙醇 三元系 溶解度 折光率 密度
Abstract: The isothermal solubility and physico-chemical properties (density, refractive index) of ternary system RbCl-EtOH-H2O at 25℃ and 50℃ have been firstly investigated by means of self-made micro-equilibrium and sampling apparatus .The compositions of liquid and solid at equilibrium state were determined, and the problem of analysis of ethanol content in system was properly solved. The phase diagram was drawn by the TPD phase-diagram computer program developed by us. Three empirical formulae were proposed to correlate the solubility, density and refractive index respectively. No demixing phenomena was observed in the range of temperature related in this study.
Keywords: rubidium chloride ethanol ternary system solubility refractive index density
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