Synthesis and Thermostability Study Intramolecularly Bridged Alkyl Cobaloximes Complex
姚开安 南京大学化学系,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
蒋玉萍 南京大学化学系,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
周志萍 南京大学化学系,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
陈慧兰 南京大学化学系,配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
关键词: 辅酶B12 分子内桥连有机钴配合物 紫外可见光谱 固体热重分析
Abstract: The intramolecularly bridged alkyl cobaltic complexes are one of important coenzyme B12 model coplexes. In this paper, study on the thermolytic reaction of aqua(3-bromopropyl)cobaloximes in solution revealed that a new intramolecularly bridged alkyl cobaloximes complex was formed and the reaction is influenced by tempertature and solvent. Adding cyclodxtrin has no obvious effect to the rate of the reaction, but various products with different axial bases were obtained. The intramolecularly bridged alkyl cobaloxime complex (bromo(O-trimethylene-dimethy- lglyoxime)(dimethylglyoximate)cobalt(Ⅲ)) was characterized by EA and ESI-MS. Thermogravimetric analysis of this complex found that a carbon radical that from homolysis of the Co-C bond is retained in the proximity of Co- complex, which is very similar to the behavior of coenzyme B12.
Keywords: coenzyme B12 intramolecularly bridged alkyl cobaloximes complex UV-Vis solid thermogravimetric analysis
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