Synthesis and Photoluminescence Research of Novel Red-Fluorescent Sr3Al2O6 Powders
刘阁 清华大学化学系,北京 100084
赤峰民族师专化学系,赤峰 024001 
梁家和 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
邓兆祥 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
李亚栋 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
关键词: Sr3Al2O6 激发和发射光谱 紫外-可见吸收光谱 红色荧光粉
Abstract: A series of aluminates were successfully synthesized via hydrothermal precipitated method, followed by sol-id-state reaction at high temperature. The optimum condition to synthesize Sr3Al2O6 was determined by adjusting the pH value of the solutions. The as-prepared Sr3Al2O6 with lattice constant a=1.58556nm were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PLS). In PL spectrum, a strongest peak at 655nm is observed, which is corresponding to red light, with an excitation wavelength of 459nm.
Keywords: Sr3Al2O6 excitation and emission spectrum UV-vis adsorbance spectrum red-fluorescence powders
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