Synthesis and Characterization of the Ordered Array of Bamboo-Like Carbon Nanotubes
包建春 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093
南京师范大学化学系,材料科学实验室,南京 210097 
王克宇 南京师范大学化学系,材料科学实验室,南京 210097 
张宁 南京师范大学化学系,材料科学实验室,南京 210097 
徐正 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
摘要: 用1,4-偶氮二异丁基腈作碳源,以载有催化剂Co的多孔Al2O3膜作模板,用化学气相沉积法在较低温度(600℃)下方便地制得了单分散碳纳米管有序阵列。透射电子显微分析表明,所得碳纳米管的形态为竹节形状,端口是闭合的,这和同样用Al2O3膜作模板但以乙烯或乙炔作碳源热分解制得的中空碳纳米管的情形明显不同。对该纳米管的生成机理进行了初步探讨。
关键词: 碳纳米管 化学气相沉积 竹节形状 1,4-偶氮二异丁基腈
Abstract: The ordered array of monodispersed carbon nanotubes has been conveniently prepared by pyrolysis of azobi-sisobutyronitrile at 600℃ using Co as catalyst and alumina membrane as template. Transmission electron mi-croscopy shows that the deposited carbon nanotubes are bamboo-like structure and with the closed end, which is quite different from the case of that using acetylene or ethylene as carbon source. The formation mechanism of the bamboo-like carbon nanotubes is tentatively proposed and discussed.
Keywords: carbon nanotubes chemical vapor deposition bamboo-like 1,4-azobisisobutyronitrile
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