The Influence of PAMAM Dendrimers Containing Different Terminal Groups on the Crystallization of CaCO3
崔艳霞 北京理工大学化工与材料学院,北京 100081 
罗运军 北京理工大学化工与材料学院,北京 100081 
李国平 北京理工大学化工与材料学院,北京 100081 
摘要: 研究了不同端基的聚酰胺胺(PAMAM)树形分子对CaCO3在水溶液中结晶的影响。分别利用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)等测试手段对样品进行了分析。结果表明:没有树形分子存在时CaCO3是粒径为10μm的菱形方解石晶体;端基为-COONa的树形分子存在时CaCO3则是粒径为1~2μm的球形球霰石晶体;-COOCH3端基PAMAM树形分子存在时得到的CaCO3
关键词: 树形分子 PAMAM CaCO3 结晶
Abstract: The influence of the poly(amidoamine)(PAMAM) dendrimers with different terminal groups on the crystal-lization of CaCO3 in aqueous solution was studied. The crystals of CaCO3 were analyzed by means of FTIR, XRD, SEM, respectively. The results show that the crystallization of CaCO3 in the presence of PAMAM dendrimer con-taining -COONa terminal groups at the external surface resulted in the formation of spherical vaterite crystals with the size of 1~2μm, whereas rhombohedral calcite crystals with the size of 10μm were formed in the absence of additive and in the presence of PAMAM dendrimer containing -NH2 terminal groups. So the dendrimers with -COONa terminal groups are a kind of habit modifier and can influence on the crystal morphology and upon CaCO3 crystallization.
Keywords: dendrimer PAMAM CaCO3 crystallization
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