The Dynamic Studies on a Quaternary Interaction System of MgSO4-NaOH-H2O under the Hydrothermal Conditions at 180℃
王雪静 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,新乡 453002 
高世扬 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,新乡 453002中国科学院盐湖研究所西安二部,西安 710043 
岳涛 兰州大学化学系,兰州 730000 
周建国 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,新乡 453002 
卢雁 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,新乡 453002 
关键词: 水热合成 硫氧镁化合物 动力学过程
Abstract: In this paper,the forming and transforming process of the magnesium oxysulfates in a quaternary interaction system of MgSO4-NaOH-H2O under the hydrothermal conditions at 180℃ has been investigated by using MgSO4 and NaOH solutions as starting materials. This transforming process of product phase from unstable phase to stable phase with time has been proved by means of chemical analysis, microphotograph, XRD and IR.
Keywords: hydrothermal synthesis magnesium oxysulfates dynamic process
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