Synthesis and Photocatalyzing Property of Nano-ZnO
丁士文 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
张绍岩 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
刘淑娟 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
丁宇 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
康全影 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
刘燕朝 河北大学化学与环境科学学院,保定 071002 
摘要: 以ZnSO4、NH4HCO3为原料,采用直接沉淀法在100℃以下制备出了纳米ZnO,并就反应时间、反应物浓度及物料配比等条件对产物粒径和产率的影响进行了研究。XRD物相分析,产物为六方晶系;TEM形貌观察,粒子基本为球形,平均粒径20nm;TG-DTA表明,ZnCO3分解变成ZnO的温度为239℃。利用紫外-可见分光光度计测试了产物的光吸收性能,发现该法制备的纳米ZnO对200~380nm波长范围的光有很强吸收性,在可见光范围内,也有较强的吸收。利用纳米ZnO作为光催化剂对有机染料溶液进行了降解实验,发现在日光照射90min后,对酸性黑234染料的降解率接近100%。
关键词: 纳米氧化锌 直接沉淀制备 光吸收性能 光催化
Abstract: Using ZnSO4 and NH4HCO3 as the raw materials, nanometer ZnO is prepared by direct precipitation method. The effects of reaction time, concentration and the ratio of the materials on the size and productivity are also dis-cussed. XRD shows that the ZnO has hexagonal structure. TEM indicates that the ZnO is spherial particles, and the average diameter of the particles is 20nm. TG-DTA are also used to characterize the nanometer ZnO. The UV absorbing properties are detected by the UV spectrophotometer. The results show that the nanometer ZnO has a exceedingly strong absorption at 200~380nm wavelength and also a relatively strong absorption at visible region. Photodegradation of dyes in aqueous solution is investigated by using nanometer ZnO as photocatalyst, the results show that after 90 minutes solar illumination,the decolorization rate of the acidic black 234 dye is close to 100%.
Keywords: nano-ZnO direct precipition UV absorbtion photocatalyze
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