Two Important Influential Factors to the Preparation and Structure Characterization of Surface-Capped CdS Nanocrystals
曹维良 北京化工大学理学院,北京 100029 
张凯华 北京化工大学理学院,北京 100029 
张敬畅 北京化工大学理学院,北京 100029 
摘要: 利用溶胶-凝胶法制备了PVP表面修饰的CdS纳米晶粒。考察了影响纳米CdS制备的两个重要因素Cd2+/S2-和PVP,及其作用机理。确证表面过剩S2-和PVP在反应体系中的作用是在较高浓度下制备纳米CdS的两个重要因素,进一步确定了PVP的最佳用量。通过TEM、ED、XRD、FT-IR等手段对合成的纳米粒子进行了结构表征,最小粒径为7~10nm,闪锌矿构型,粒子大小及形貌可通过改变Cd2+/S2-及反应物浓度来控制。最后给出了CdS/PVP纳米晶粒的结构模型。
关键词: 纳米CdS Cd2+/S2- PVP
Abstract: CdS nanocrystals surface-capped with PVP were synthesized by Sol-Gel method. Two important influential factors (Cd2+/S2- and PVP) for the preparation of the CdS nanocrystals and their influential mechanisms were investigated. It is confirmed that the effect of superfluous S2- and addition of PVP on the reaction system are two important factors in the preparation of the CdS nanocrystals in high Cd2+ and S2- concentration solution, and the best dosage of PVP was determined. The structure was characterized by means of TEM, ED, XRD and FT-IR techniques. It is found that the size of the minimal particles are 7~10 nanometers, and the configuration is haw-leyite and the size and shape can be controlled by Cd2+/S2- and the concentration of reactant. Finally, the structure model of CdS/PVP was suggested.
Keywords: CdS nanoparticles Cd2+/S2- PVP
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