Template Synthesis of Ordered Nano-System and their Applications
包建春 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院,材料科学实验室,南京 210097 
徐正 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093 
摘要: 评述了以含有高密度的纳米柱形孔道的Al2O3膜和有机聚合物膜为模板,制备金属、合金、氧化物、半导体和聚合物及其复合组份的一维纳米结构有序阵列的几种方法、纳米结构的性质和应用的研究进展。可用于模板合成的方法有电化学沉积法、化学镀、化学聚合、化学气相沉积和溶胶-凝胶法等。取决于孔壁和所填充材料的化学性质,所得阵列既可以是由纳米管也可以是由纳米线组成。这样的有序阵列在光学、磁学、催化及电化学等领域有着重要的应用前景。制备新型复合纳米结构有序阵列、开展纳米器件的研制是模板合成研究领域的重要方向。
关键词: 多孔三氧化二铝 模板合成 纳米结构
Abstract: The template-synthesis method is a general approach for preparing nanomaterials. It involves the synthesis of the nanostructure of a desired material within the pores of a nanoporous membrane such as alumina and polycar-bonate membrane. Because the channels of these membranes are cylindrical with uniform diameter, monodisperse nanowires of the desired material are obtained. Depending on the chemistry of the pore wall and material, these nanowires may be either hollow (tubule) or solid (a fibril). This method has been used to prepare nanostructures composed of metals, carbons, semiconductors, polymers, and Li+-intercalation materials and some novel composite nanostructures. This article mainly reviews the general approach for the preparation of nanomaterials using a nanoporous alumina membrane as a template and its application.
Keywords: porous alumina template-synthesis nanostructures
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