Syntheses and Characterization of Chloro-Cyclopentadienyl-Tricarbonyl-Molybdenum (Tungsten)/β-CD Supramolecules
张有明 西北师范大学化学系,兰州 730070 
魏太保 西北师范大学化学系,兰州 730070 
关键词: 羰基过渡金属配合物 β-环糊精 超分子
Abstract: Two new kinds of supramolecular inclusion compound of β-cyclodextrin(host)and chloro-cyclopentadi- enyl-tricarbonyl-molybdenum(tungsten)(guest) have been prepared and characterized by using the chemical ele-mental analyses, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance,powder X-ray diffractometry and thin-layer chromatography(TLC). The results show that β-CD formed one-to-one compounds with guest and the cyclopenta-dienyl group of guest may be included into the hydrophobic cavity of β-CD. Differential thermal analyses reveal that after formation of the supramolecular inclusion compounds, thermal stability of the host and guest molecules in-creased.
Keywords: carbonyl transition-metal complexes β-cyclodextrin supramolecule
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