[Co(amp)2Cl2]2[ZnCl4]体系中两对称异构体的2D NMR研究
Study on 2D NMR Spectra of Two Symmetrical Isomers in [Co(amp)2Cl2]2[ZnCl4] System
张建新 贵州省天然产物重点化学实验室,贵阳 550025 
郭辉瑞 贵州大学应用化学研究所,贵阳 550025 
陶朱 贵州大学应用化学研究所,贵阳 550025 
祝黔江 贵州大学应用化学研究所,贵阳 550025 
罗绪强 贵州大学应用化学研究所,贵阳 550025 
关键词: 钴(Ⅲ)配合物 对称异构体 二维核磁共振谱
Abstract: The two symmetrical isomers in [Co(amp)2Cl2]2[ZnCl4](amp=2-(Aminomethyl)pyridine) system were syn-thesized by general oxidation method and were separated by chromatography and recrystallization method. Their configurations were assigned by using 2D NMR techniques, particularly the NOESY NMR spectra. Solvent used was Me2SO-d6 with the central peak of the CD3 septet as the reference ( 13C,δ 39.37; 1H,δ 2.49 relative to SiMe4). Cation exchange media used was Dowex 50Wx 2(H+ form, 200~400mesh; Biorad).
Keywords: Co(Ⅲ) complexes symmetrical isomer 2D NMR spectra
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张建新,郭辉瑞,陶朱,祝黔江,罗绪强.[Co(amp)2Cl2]2[ZnCl4]体系中两对称异构体的2D NMR研究[J].无机化学学报,2002,18(9):915-920.
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