NaA,MAP和MAX高铝沸石的结构定向及其转晶 |
Structure Direction and Crystalline Transformation of High Aluminum Zeolites NaA, MAP and MAX |
摘要: 本文根据不同沸石的结构特点及其在晶化动力学上的差异,由化学组成相近的硅铝凝胶混合物(投料Si/Al比约为1)定向合成出具有不同骨架结构的高铝沸石—NaA,MAP和MAX。考察了沸石晶化过程中晶化导向剂、晶种以及金属阳离子在合成高铝沸石的结构导向作用以及上述三种高铝沸石间的转晶规律。同时本文首次发现了MAP沸石的“室温固相转晶”现象。 |
关键词: 高铝沸石 NaA MAP MAX 合成 转晶 |
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Abstract: According to the nature of the different high aluminum zeolites in the structures and the crystallization kinetics, zeolites NaA, MAP and MAX were synthesized directionally from the aluminum silicate gel with similar composition (Si/Al ratio was 1), respectively. The effects of the crystallization-directing agent, seeds, the template functions of cations on the structure directing and the crystalline transformations among the three types of zeolites were in-vestigated. In the process of synthesis of zeolite MAP, we found in the first time that the crystalline transformation of zeolite occurred in solid phase at room temperature. |
Keywords: high aluminum zeolites NaA MAP MAX synthesis crystalline transformation |
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王仰东,傅乐峰,金大明,董家禄,须沁华.NaA,MAP和MAX高铝沸石的结构定向及其转晶[J].无机化学学报,2002,18(8):787-791. |
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