Preparation and Characterization of Magnesium-Iron Hydrotalcite as Magnetic Layered Precursor
周彤 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室,北京 100029 
战可涛 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室,北京 100029 
李峰 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室,北京 100029 
Evans D.G. 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室,北京 100029 
段雪 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室,北京 100029 
张密林 哈尔滨工程大学,哈尔滨 150001 
摘要: 本文提出了利用镁铁水滑石作为磁性材料前体再经高温焙烧制备尖晶石型铁氧体的思路,深入研究了水滑石的制备工艺及结构性能并初步探讨了其焙烧后的磁学性能。由共沉淀法合成了Mg/Fe摩尔比为2,3,4,6的镁铁水滑石,XRD结果表明随镁铁比增大、晶化温度的升高及晶化时间的延长,水滑石的晶体结构规整性增强;热重-差热结果显示镁铁水滑石的分解有两个过程,随着镁铁比增大,水滑石的热稳定性提高。高温焙烧后的镁铁水滑石具有较好的磁学性能。
关键词: 镁铁水滑石 共沉淀 热分解 磁性
Abstract: This paper reports a systemic study of the preparation and structure characteristic of Mg-Fe hydrotalcite and the magnetism of the materials obtained after calcination . A series of Mg-Fe hydrotalcites with Mg/Fe molar ratio of 2,3,4 and 6 were synthesized by coprecipitation. XRD patterns show that by increasing the Mg/Fe molar ratio and the aging temperature and extending aging time, a well-crystallized hydrotalcite can be obtained. TG-DTA results show that the materials decompose in two stages and the thermal stabilities of the Mg-Fe hydrotalcites increase with in-creasing Mg/Fe molar ratio. The materials obtained by calcination at 900℃exhibit significant magnetism.
Keywords: magnesium-iron hydrotalcite coprecipitation thermal decomposition magnetism
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周彤,战可涛,李峰,Evans D.G.,段雪,张密林.层状前体镁铁水滑石及磁性材料的制备及表征[J].无机化学学报,2002,18(8):777-781.
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