SiO2/ZnO复合纳米粒子的制备及表征 |
Preparation and Characterization of SiO2/ZnO Composite Nanoparticles |
摘要: 采用双注控制沉积法(Controlled Double-Jet Precipitation,CDJP)将反应物添加到含有SiO2的溶液中,通过直接的表面反应来制备单分散的SiO2/ZnO复合纳米粒子,并对其进行了表征。透射电镜(TEM)观察表明,SiO2表面有一层ZnO纳米颗粒或薄层。对复合纳米粒子SiO2/ZnO进行X射线衍射(XRD)分析,复合颗粒的衍射峰与单独的氧化锌的衍射峰完全一致。能量弥散X射线法(EDX)分析表明,复合颗粒中含有Zn、Si、O元素。荧光光谱表明有ZnO的吸收峰。 |
关键词: SiO2/ZnO复合纳米粒子 双注控制沉积法 制备 表征 |
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Abstract: A new method for the preparation of composite nanoparticles SiO2/ZnO by the controlled double-jet precipi-tation (CDJP) technique is described. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of SiO2/ZnO show that on the silica (SiO2) surface the ZnO nanoparticles are coated as thin layers or nanoclusters, and this result depends on the reaction conditions. The powder X-ray diffraction(XRD)of the initial SiO2/ZnO powder yields diffraction peaks corresponding to the ZnO phase. The energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis shows the presence of Zn, O and Si elements. The fluorescence photograph shows a peak at 400nm, which is in accordance with the sole ZnO particle. |
Keywords: SiO2/ZnO composite particle controlled double-jet precipitation preparation characterization |
摘要点击次数: 1619 |
全文下载次数: 2055 |
夏海龙,唐芳琼.SiO2/ZnO复合纳米粒子的制备及表征[J].无机化学学报,2002,18(8):769-772. |
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