Investigation of UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of Recombinant Human Manganese Superoxide Dismutase
李连之 聊城师范学院化学系,聊城 252059 
欧阳砥 南开大学化学系,天津 300071 
邱晓航 南开大学化学系,天津 300071 
胡绪英 南开大学化学系,天津 300071 
周永洽 南开大学化学系,天津 300071 
申泮文 南开大学化学系,天津 300071 
摘要: 研究了重组人锰超氧化物歧化酶(MnSOD)的紫外可见吸收光谱。经光学电负性和摩尔吸收系数分析,重新归属了酶中 Mn(Ⅲ)的可见光谱,首次报道了酶中Mn(Ⅱ)的电荷转移光谱。研究表明,MnSOD中显示的电荷转移谱带全部是由His咪唑基π轨道向金属轨道的LMCT跃迁。
关键词: 锰超氧化物歧化酶 紫外可见光谱 电荷转移光谱 光学电负性
Abstract: The UV-visible absorption spectra of recombinant human manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) were investigated. The visible absorption spectrum of Mn(Ⅲ) was assigned anew and the charge transfer spectrum of Mn(Ⅱ) in MnSOD was first reported according to the optical electronegativity and mole absorption coefficient of MnSOD. These results have shown that all the charge transfer spectra displayed in MnSOD are attributed to the ligand metal charge transfer spectra (LMCT) from the π orbitals of imidazole of histidine to metal orbitals.
Keywords: manganese superoxide dismutase UV-visible spectra charge transfer spectra optical electronegativity
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