Preparation, Characterization and Conductivity of Polypyrrole Doped with the Transition Metal Substituted Phosphomolybdates with Keggin Structure
樊莹 湖北大学化学与材料科学学院,武汉 430062 
柳士忠 湖北大学化学与材料科学学院,武汉 430062 
关键词: 聚吡咯 掺杂 多金属氧酸盐 导电性
Abstract: Five hybrid organic-inorganic materials have been prepared with pyrrole and the transition metal substituted Keggin structure phosphomolybdate anions ([PMo11ZO39]5-, Z=Mn,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn) by chemical polymerization. The phosphomolybdates are anchored within the polymer matrix and reduced to mixedvalence phosphomolybdates. The materials are characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron spin resonance. Conductivity measurement indicates that the title materials have good conductivity.
Keywords: polypyrrole dope polyoxometallate conductivity
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