Effect of Rinse pH on the Agglomeration Degree and Electrochemical Performance of Nano-Scale β-Ni(OH)2
赵力 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系,哈尔滨 150001 
张翠芬 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系,哈尔滨 150001 
周德瑞 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系,哈尔滨 150001 
关键词: 纳米材料 团聚 Ni(OH)2 粉末微电极
Abstract: Nano-scale nickel hydroxide was prepared by precipitate transformation method in the paper. Effect of rinse pH on the agglomeration degree and electrochemical performance of nano-scale Ni(OH)2 was investigated. The mea-surement results of XRD and TEM indicate that the prepared nano-scale Ni(OH)2 is β(Ⅱ)-phase,the grain size is in the rang of 10~50nm,and rinse pH exerts a great influence on the agglomeration degree of nano-scale Ni(OH)2. The agglomeration of material becomes very obvious when rinse pH=11, and the density of nano-scale Ni(OH)2 is enhanced obviously.Cyclic voltammetry(CV) and simulate cells experiment show that nano-scale Ni(OH)2 with suitable agglomeration degree have better electrochemical CV performance than those with ideal disperse Ni(OH)2 and micron Ni(OH)2, and its proton diffusion coefficient is also the highest. It can elevate the discharge potential platform and prolongs discharge time, so the utilization ratio of Ni(OH)2 is raised.
Keywords: nano material agglomeration Ni(OH)2 powder microelectrode
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