Synthesis of a Novel Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Layered Manganese Titanate
陈新 南京大学化学化工学院介观材料科学实验室,南京 210093 
王海 南京大学化学化工学院介观材料科学实验室,南京 210093 
侯文华 南京大学化学化工学院介观材料科学实验室,南京 210093 
颜其洁 南京大学化学化工学院介观材料科学实验室,南京 210093 
关键词: 层状锰钛酸 氧化硅 柱撑 中孔
Abstract: Mixtures of H2Ti2.8Mn0.2O7, CH3(CH2)9NH2, and Si(OC2H5)4 at molar ratios of 1∶2∶20 resulted in swollen and viscous gel once at room temperature, allowing the intercalation compound in which CH3(CH2)9NH2 and Si(OC2H5)4 were simultaneously intercalated into interlayers of H2Ti2.8Mn0.2O7. The subsequent hydrolysis of the obtained intercalation compound in pure water solution for 30min at room temperature led to the formation of a new layered H2Ti2.8Mn0.2O7 sample with an interlayer spacing of 3.85nm. Calcination of this sample in air at 500℃ gave rise to a novel mesoporous(d=3.3nm) silica-pillared layered H2Ti2.8Mn0.2O7 with a large BET specific area of 624m2·g-1 and a super-gallery height of 3.24nm.
Keywords: layered manganese titanate silica pillaring mesopore
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