Supercapacitor Characteristics of Co(OH)2 Synthesized by Deposition Transformation
张密林 哈尔滨工程大学化学工程系,哈尔滨 150001 
刘志祥 哈尔滨工程大学化学工程系,哈尔滨 150001 
关键词: 超级电容器 沉淀转化法 Co(OH)2
Abstract: Cobalt hydroxide, often used as an additive in nickel electrode, is rarely studied as active material for su-percapacitors. In this paper, the Co(OH)2 with the particle size less than 20nm by deposition transformation was synthesized. Its single electrode specific capacitance was measured to be 92F·g-1, and the electrode resistance was so low that the initial potential drop when discharging is unobvious even the discharge current increased to 200mA for a 1cm2 electrode. After ten thousand cycles, Co(OH)2 on the electrode changes to Co3O4 gradually, the resistance of the electrode does not increase much, while the specific capacitance increases to 133F·g-1 at 10mA。
Keywords: suspercapacitor deposition transformation Co(OH)2
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