Hydrothermal Synthesis and Superparamagnetic Behaviors of a Series of Ferrite Nanoparticles
陈兴 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
邓兆祥 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
李宇鹏 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
李亚栋 清华大学化学系,北京 100084 
摘要: 本文通过水热法制备了一系列铁氧体纳米微粒(MFe2O4,M=Zn,Ni,Co,Cu,Mn),用XRD和TEM对产品进行了表征,产物为纯相、粒径均匀、团聚少的纳米粒子。磁性质测量表明它们具有超顺磁性质。另外,我们还对反应过程中溶液pH值对最终产物的影响进行了研究。
关键词: 铁氧体 水热法 超顺磁
Abstract: Nanoparticles of a series of magnetic ferrites (MFe2O4,M=Zn,Ni,Co,Cu,Mn) were fabricated by hydrother-mal precipitation route and studied by XRD , EDX, and TEM. XRD patterns show phase-pure products synthesized in this process, and TEM observations directly reveal the uniformly sized nanoparticles with little aggregation. Superparamagnetic behaviors of the synthesized samples were confirmed by magnetic characterization. In addition, influences of solution pH on the final products were also investigated in this study.
Keywords: ferrite hydrothermal superparamagnetism
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