Microstructure and Luminescent Properties of Tb Doped YAG Phosphor by Combustion Synthesis with Glycine
石士考 河北师范大学化学学院,石家庄 050091 
王继业 河北师范大学化学学院,石家庄 050091 
关键词: YAG∶Tb 发光 燃烧合成 微观结构
Abstract: Luminescent terbium doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG∶Tb) powders were prepared using yttrium and aluminum oxide precursor particles produced by combustion process with glycine. Heat treatment of the resulting precursor powders at 950℃ or 1450℃ for 2h, yielded pure YAG particles. The morphology of YAG∶Yb phosphor after sintering at 1450℃ appeared to be spherical or elliptical and the grain size of the phosphor was in the range of 0.6 to 1.4μm. From the photoluminescence spectra, transitions 5D4- 7FJ corresponding to Tb3+ in YAG matrices were identified. The prominent transition 5D4- 7F6 emission for YAG∶0.05Tb phosphor after sintering at 1450℃ was very significant to improve the chromaticity of YAG∶Tb phosphor.
Keywords: YAG∶Tb luminescence combustion synthesis microstructure
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