Self-assembly Preparation of Binuclear Complex [Cu2(TS)(H2O)]·CH3OH and its Crystal Structure
陶偌偈 河南大学化学化工学院,开封 475001 
臧双全 河南大学化学化工学院,开封 475001 
牛景扬 河南大学化学化工学院,开封 475001 
于兆文 河南大学化学化工学院,开封 475001 
周绪亚 河南大学化学化工学院,开封 475001 
关键词: 自分解 单斜晶系 变形四方锥
Abstract: The binuclear complex [Cu2(TS)(H2O)]·CH3OH, where TS denotes the binucleating ligand derived from the schiff base N,N′-bis(3-carboxylsalidene)trimethylenediamine, was obtained from the self-decomposition of mononuclear complex Na2CuTS·H2O. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c. The lattice parameters are a=11.935(2)?,b=15.667(3)?,c=11.621(2)?,β=111.60(3)°,V=2020.2(7)?3, Z=4 with R=0.0467. The structure is made of binuclear units, in which two copper atoms are bridged by two phenolic oxygen atoms. The “inside”copper atom is coordinated by two nitrogens, two phenolic oxygens in a planar coordi-nation site, the copper atom deviates from the mean plane by 0.47?. The “outside” copper atom is five coordinated by two phenolic oxygen atoms、two equatorial carboxyl oxygen atoms and one axial water oxygen atom in a distorted tetragonal cone site, the copper atom is pulled out of the equatorial plane by 0.46?.
Keywords: self-decomposition monoclinic system distorted tetragonal cone
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