Crystal Structure and Quantum Chemistry of the Metallocene Complex [Mo(eta5-C5H4Si2Me5)(CO)3Cl]
邝代治 衡阳师范学院化学系,衡阳 421008 
冯泳兰 衡阳师范学院化学系,衡阳 421008 
关键词: 茂金属配合物 晶体结构 从头计算
Abstract: The crystal structure of tricarbonylpentamethyldisilanylcyclopentadienyl chloro-molybdenum complex [Mo(eta5-C5H4Si2Me5)(CO)3Cl] has been determined by X-ray diffraction method.A quantum chemistry calculation by means of G98W package and taking LanL2DZ basis set.The crystal belongs to orthorhombic space group Pbca with a=1.5812(5), b=1.7307(3), c=1.3339(2)nm,V=3.650(1)nm3, Z=8, Dc=1.495 g·cm-3, μ(MoKα)= 9.97cm-1,F(000)=1664,final R=0.027 for 2590 unique reflection [I >3σ(I)]. The bond lengths of Mo-Cl and is 0.250nm,and Mo-CO is 0.198~0.202nm. The Mo atom has a distorted tetrahedral cone geometry.
Keywords: metallocene complex crystal structure ab initio calculation
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