Studies on the Interaction of 1,10- Phenanthroline -Cd2+ with DNA
杨周生 南京大学化学系,南京 210093 
于俊生 南京大学化学系,南京 210093 
陈洪渊 南京大学化学系,南京 210093 
摘要: 本文以邻二氮菲作为分子探针,在磷酸盐-氯化钠中性介质中(pH=7.2),用荧光光谱和吸收光谱法研究了邻二氮菲-Cd2+与DNA之间的相互作用。结果表明,Cd2+离子与邻二氮菲形成1∶2型的配合物,该配合物与DNA有较强的相互作用,这是位于配合物中心的Cd2+离子与DNA发生键合。实验发现,在邻二氮菲-Cd2+-DNA体系中加入EDTA或柠檬酸,邻二氮菲-Cd2+与DNA的相互作用减弱,这表明EDTA或柠檬酸对Cd2+的毒性有一定的缓解作用。
关键词: 邻二氮菲 Cd2+ DNA 荧光猝灭
Abstract: The interaction of 1,10-Phenanthroline(Phen)-Cd2+ with calf thymus DNA has been examined through uti-lizing fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy method in Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4-NaCl (pH=7.2) system. The metal Cd2+ ion can interact with Phen to form a complex with the ratio of 1∶2 . The complex is shown to interact strongly with double helix DNA with K=6.2×104L·mol-1. Results imply that metal Cd2+ ion in the center of complex binds to DNA helix. The experimental results revealed that the binding affinity of metal Cd2+ with DNA is decreased in the presence of EDTA or citric acid, which indicates that EDTA or citrate acid can lessen toxic effect of Cadmium binding to DNA at certain extent.
Keywords: 1,10-phenanthroline Cd2+ DNA fluorescence quenching
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