Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of Heteropolytungstates Containing Peroxyniobium
马荣华 齐齐哈尔大学化学与化工学院,齐齐哈尔 161006 
刘春涛 齐齐哈尔市环境监测中心,齐齐哈尔 161005 
瞿伦玉 东北师范大学化学学院,长春 130024 
摘要: 合成了6种钨硅杂多配合物异构体α、βi-M3H2[SiW11(NbO2)O39]·H2O(M=Me4N+(TMA),Bu4N+(TBA),Et4N+(TEA);βi123)。IR光谱、UV光谱、极谱、I--S2O32-滴定证明合成的杂多配合物中有NbO2基存在, 183W NMR光谱证明其阴离子具有Keggin结构,催化实验结果表明,合成的化合物对烯烃环氧化反应具有催化活性,且过氧杂多配合物的催化活性高于非过氧杂多配合物,β异构体的催化活性高于α。
关键词: 过氧铌钨硅杂多配合物 异构体 环氧化反应 催化活性
Abstract: The six heteropoly isomers α、βi-M3H2[SiW11(NbO2)O39]·H2O(M=Me4N+(TMA),Bu4N+(TBA),Et4N+(TEA);βi123) were synthesized and characterized. The IR, UV spectrometry, polarography and chemical titration comfirmed the ex-istence of NbO2 groups in the complexes. All their 183W NMR spectra have six peaks, showing the Keggin structure of anions in the compounds. Experiments on oxidation of maleic acid into tartaric acid showed that the complexes containing peroxy ions exhibited higher catalytic activity than those without peroxy ions.
Keywords: peroxyniobiun heteropolytungstates isomer epoxidation catalytic activity
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