The Synthesis and Characterization of Zincosilicate VPI-7
荆学珍 太原理工大学精细化工研究所,太原 030024 
徐红 太原理工大学精细化工研究所,太原 030024 
樊明明 太原理工大学精细化工研究所,太原 030024 
董晋湘 太原理工大学精细化工研究所,太原 030024 
摘要: 本文在Na2O-ZnO-SiO2-H2O水热体系中研究了温度、Na2O/SiO2、SiO2/ZnO对合成锌硅分子筛VPI-7的影响,并以XRD、SEM、FT-IR等手段对晶化产物进行表征。实验表明:(1)SiO2/ZnO比在3.5~10的范围内,可以合成VPI-7的纯相,且随着SiO2/ZnO比的增加,产物的相对结晶度增大;(2)合
关键词: 锌硅分子筛 VPI-7 合成 表征
Abstract: It was studied the hydrothermal synthesis of molecular sieve VPI-7 in Na2O-ZnO-SiO2-H2O system and mainly studied the influence of temperature, Na2O/SiO2, SiO2/ZnO on the synthesis. At the same time, the product was characterized by XRD, SEM and FT-IR. The results showed that:(1) pure VPI-7 can be synthesized when the ratio of SiO2/ZnO was in the range of 3.5~10, and with the increase of SiO2/ZnO, the crystallinity of the product increased;(2) SiO2/ZnO of the synthesized product was not in relation with that of the reactant linearly, which confirmed that the atom of Zn was orderly located in VPI-7. Referring the explaination of IR spectrum of alumi-nosilicate zeolite ,the adscription of FT-IR data has been done briefly.
Keywords: zincosilicate VPI-7 synthesis characterization
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