碱性介质中二(碲酸根)合铜(Ⅲ)酸根氧化乙二醇一乙醚的反应动力学及机理(英文) |
Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation Ethylene Glycol Monoethylether by Ditelluratocuprate(Ⅲ) in Alkaline Medium |
摘要: 在碱性介质中用分光光度法研究了二过碲酸合铜(Ⅲ)配离子(DTC)氧化乙二醇一乙醚(EGE)的反应动力学及机理。反应速率表明:反应对DTC为准一级,对EGE为分数级;在保持准一级条件([EGE]》[DTC])下,表观速率常数随着OH-浓度的增加而增大,随着TeO42-浓度的增加而减小;有负的盐效应。据此提出了包括配离子和EGE形成络合物的前期平衡的反应机理,由假设反应机理推出的速率方程能很好的解释全部实验现象,进一步求得速控步的速率常数和活化 |
关键词: 二碲酸合铜(Ⅲ)离子 乙二醇一乙醚 氧化还原反应 动力学及机理 |
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Abstract: The kinetics of the oxidation of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGE) by ditelluratocuprate(Ⅲ) complex (DTC) was studied in alkaline medium with spectrophotometry. The reaction rate showed pseudo-first order de-pendence in oxdation and fractional order in EGE.It was found that the pseudo-first order(under the condition:[EGE]》[DTC]) rate constants kobs increased with the increase in [OH-] and decrease in [TeO42-]. There is a negative salt effect. A mechanism involving a preequilibrium of a adduct formation between the complex and EGE was proposed. The rate equation derived from the mechanism can explain all the experimental results. The acti-vation parameters along with the rate constants of the rate-determining step were calculated. |
Keywords: ditelluratocuprate(Ⅲ) ethylene glycol monothylether redox reaction kinetics and mechanism |
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单金缓,王莉,魏海英,申世刚,孙汉文.碱性介质中二(碲酸根)合铜(Ⅲ)酸根氧化乙二醇一乙醚的反应动力学及机理(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2002,18(2):143-146. |
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