Progress in Research of Hydrogen Production from Water on Photocat alysts with Solar Energy
上官文峰 上海交通大学动力与能源工程学院资源与环境工程系, 上海200030 
摘要: 本文概述了利用光催化技术催化分解水制氢的反应机理和研究进展。结合作者的最近研究重点描述了TiO2及过渡金属氧化物、层状金属氧化物以及某些能利用可见光的光催化材料的结构和光催化特性阐述了该课题的意义和今后的研究方向。
关键词: 光催化  氢能  太阳能转换
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50076026);教育部留学回国人员启动基金的资助.
Abstract: This paper describes the mechanisms and progress for t he photocatalytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen.The main fo c us is to provide some information on photocatalytic prop-erties of TiO2,transition metal oxides,and layered metal oxides as well as some new com posites for the photocatalytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen .Som e of the research results from the authors and the opinions on f urther st udies are also presented in this paper.
Keywords: photocatalysis  hydrogen energy  conversion of solar energy
投稿时间:2001-05-14 修订日期:2001-07-21
摘要点击次数:  20967
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