Selectivity of Crystal Growth Direction and Control of Particle Size in Layered Double Hydroxides
赵芸 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室, 北京100029 
何静 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室, 北京100029 
矫庆泽 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室, 北京100029 
Evans D. G 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室, 北京100029 
段雪 北京化工大学可控化学反应科学与技术基础教育部重点实验室, 北京100029 
陆春华 宜兴助剂化工厂, 宜兴214262 
王志刚 宜兴助剂化工厂, 宜兴214262 
摘要: 采用成核/晶化隔离法合成镁铝双羟基复合金属氧化物(LDH),考察了晶化温度及晶化时间对晶体结构、晶面生长选择性及晶粒尺寸的影响规律。结果发现晶化温度相同时,随晶化时间延长,LDH的晶体结构趋于完整,晶粒尺寸增大;晶化时间相同时,随晶化温度升高,晶体结构趋于完整,晶粒尺寸显著增大。实验条件下得到的LDH,其沿a轴方向的尺寸均大于沿c轴方向的尺寸,即其沿a轴方向的生长速率比沿c轴方向的生长速率快,亦即[110]晶面的生长速率比[003]晶面的生长速率快。根据LDH晶粒尺寸随晶化时间及晶化温度的变化规律,选择合适的晶化条件,制备得到了粒径分布窄的纳米LDH。
关键词: 双羟基复合金属氧化物  晶面生长选择性  晶粒尺寸
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.20076003)
Abstract: Mg-Al layered double hydroxides(LDH) have been synthesized at high supersaturation using a new method developed in our laboratory. The influence of aging temperature and aging time on the crystal structure, selectivity of crystal growth in different directions and the particle size of LDHhas been investigated. It has been shown that with increasing aging time at the same temperature, the crystallinity of the LDHincreased and the particle size became larger. The same effect was observed when samples were aged at increasing temperature for a fixed period, but the particle size of the LDHincreased dramatically with increasing aging temperature. The size of the crystallites in the a direction was larger than that in the c direction under all experimental conditions. This is the result of the greater rate of crystal growth in the a direction than that in the c direction. On the basis of the variation in particle size of LDHwith aging time and aging temperature, an optimum aging condition was determined and LDHnanomaterials with a narrow particle size distribution were obtained.
Keywords: layered double hydroxides  selectivity of crystal growth direction  particle size
投稿时间:2001-02-21 修订日期:2001-04-16
摘要点击次数:  1258
全文下载次数:  2599
赵芸,何静,矫庆泽,Evans D. G,段雪,陆春华,王志刚.双羟基复合金属氧化物的晶面生长选择性及晶粒尺寸控制[J].无机化学学报,2001,17(4):573-579.
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