1(R),2(R)-二(2-苯并咪唑)乙二醇四核铜(Ⅱ) 配合物的合成与晶体结构 |
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the1(R), 2(R)-Bis(1-H-benzoimidazol-2-yl)Ethane-1,2-Diol of Tetranuclear Copper(Ⅱ) Complex |
摘要: 合成了一种新配合物1(R),2(R)-二(2-苯并咪唑)乙二醇四核铜[Cu4(bbmed)4Cl2L2]·Cl2(CH3OH)5(H2O)2(L=MeOH或H2O,Hbbmed=1(R),2(R)-二(2-苯并咪唑)乙二醇,bbmed表示去质子后的配体)(简称Cu(Ⅱ)-bbmed)。该晶体经X-射线衍射确定为正交晶系,空间群C2221(20),晶胞参数a=1.7424(5),b=2.4942(7),c=3.8887(11)nm,V=16.900(8)nm3,Z=4,Dc=1.427g·cm-3,F(000)=7472。并对它进行了元素分析、IR、1H NMR及ESR表征。 |
关键词: 1(R) 2(R)-二(2-苯并咪唑)乙二醇 四核铜 晶体结构 配合物 |
基金项目: 高等学校实验室访问学者基金资助项目 |
Abstract: A new tetranuclear copper(Ⅱ) complex of the 1(R),2(R)-bis(1-Hbenzoimidazol-2-yl)ethane-1,2-diol[Cu4(bbmed)4Cl2L2]·Cl2(CH3OH)5(H2O)2( L=MeOH or H2O,Hbbmed=1(R),2(R)-bis(1-Hbenzoimidazol-2-yl)Ethane-1,2-diol, bbmed=deprotonated ligand ) has been synthesized by the reaction of 1(R),2(R)-bis(1-Hbenzoimidazol-2-yl)ethane-1,2-diol with CuCl in methanol and the stirring in air is carried out for them at room temperature for 24h. The single crystal X-ray analysis indicates that the crystal is orthorhombic, the space group C2221(20) with a=1.7424(5),b=2.4942(7),c=3.8887(11) nm,V=16.900(8)nm3,Z=4,Dc=1.427g·cm-3, F(000)=7472. The complex has been characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectra,1H NMR and ESR. The crystal consists of two kinds of tetranuclear copper molecules, named [Cu4(bbmed)4Cl2(MeOH)2]·Cl2(CH3OH)5(H2O)2 (type A) and [Cu4(bbmed)4Cl2(H2O)2]· Cl2(CH3OH)5(H2O)2 (type B). Both of them have C2 symmetry. Each Cu(Ⅱ) atom of the complex is five coordination and is found in a elongated tetragonal pyramid coordination environment. Besides two O from deprotonated Hbbmed ligands and two N from benzoimidazol group attached to the Cu, the fifth coordination atom is Cl or O of the water or the methanol molecule. Two kinds of tetranuclear copper molecules have two μ-oxygen Cu2O2 units and bridged by ligands though C,Nof the benzoimidazol group and O of the deprotoned hydroxy group to form 12 membered ring structure.Tetranuclear Cu(Ⅱ) atoms form a slightly distorted tetrahedron. |
Keywords: 1(R),2(R)-bis(1-H-benzoimidazol-2-yl)ethane-1,2-diol tetranuclear copper(Ⅱ) crystal structure complex |
投稿时间:2001-01-20 修订日期:2001-04-27 |
摘要点击次数: 1166 |
全文下载次数: 1956 |
施秀芳,张明杰,李松林,蔡桂梅,李靖.1(R),2(R)-二(2-苯并咪唑)乙二醇四核铜(Ⅱ) 配合物的合成与晶体结构[J].无机化学学报,2001,17(4):513-517. |
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