Coordination Assembling for Derivatives of Tetrathiafulvalene(TTF)
卞国庆 苏州大学化学化工系, 苏州215006 
戴洁 苏州大学化学化工系, 苏州215006 
杨巍 苏州大学化学化工系, 苏州215006 
王昕 苏州大学化学化工系, 苏州215006 
严泽民 苏州大学化学化工系, 苏州215006 
摘要: 四硫富瓦烯(tetrathiafulvalene,TTF)衍生物和二硫纶(dithiolene)化合物等有机富硫分子作为有机光电磁的功能化合物,一直受到了人们的重视。近年来一类融合了TTF和二硫纶结构的扩展TTF衍生物引起人们很大的兴趣。这类八硫共轭体系具有较好的电子授受特性,展示出潜在的应用价值。有目的地利用它们与金属离子间较强的配位能力对这些化合物进行晶体或分子设计已成为配位化学在富硫有机配合物研究中的一个热点。本文重点介绍这方面研究的最新进展。主要包括以卤化亚铜基本骨架为基础的四烷基硫取代四硫富瓦烯([(RS)2TTF(SR)2])的配位组装;二烷基硫取代的TTF融合二硫纶离子([(RS)2TTF(S)2]2-)和TTF融合双二硫纶离子([(S)2TTF(S)24-)金属配位衍生物的分子设计和空间构筑。通过配位修饰或组装,这类TTF金属衍生物显示了多变的结构,有的已发现具有较好的物理性质。
关键词: 四硫富瓦烯  二硫纶化合物  配位组装
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.20071024);江苏省教委自然科学基金资助项目(No.00KJB150001)
Abstract: Derivatives of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and dithiolene have been interested for a long time for their unusual electrical, magnetic and optical properties. Recently, a new type of dithiolate ligands, that fused with the structure of TTF, has been received more attention. These eight sulfur containing ligands have an extended conjugating systems and show good properties in donor acceptor behaviors, that imply a good potential applications to material chemistry. Due to the strong coordination of sulfur to metal ions, molecular design or crystal engineering of these sulfur rich ligands is attractive to inorganic chemists. This short review presents an introduction with emphases on recent developments in this area, including: coordination assembly of tetraalkylsulfanyl substituted TTF, [(RS)2TTF(SR)2], based on structures of cuprous halide; molecular design of metal complexes about bisalkylsulfanyl dimercapto substituted TTFand tetra mercapto substituted TTF ([(RS)2TTF(S)2]2- and [(S)2TTF(S)2]4-). The coordination assembly of these compounds showed alterable structures and some of them were found having good physical properties.
Keywords: tetrathiafulvalene  dithiolene compounds  coordination assembling
投稿时间:2001-02-19 修订日期:2001-04-19
摘要点击次数:  1233
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