Kinetics Model of Thermal Decomposition Reaction of Aluminum Potassium Sulphate
张建军 河北师范大学实验中心, 石家庄050016 
魏海玉 河北师范大学实验中心, 石家庄050016 
任志强 河北师范大学实验中心, 石家庄050016 
关键词: 硫酸铝钾  热分解  动力学
基金项目: 河北师范大学科学研究基金
Abstract: The thermal decomposition process of KAI(SO4)2·12H2O and its kinetics has been studied by TG-DTG.By Dollimore method, D3 is defined as the second step of thermal decomposition kinetic model and its kinetic equation is dα/dT = (1/β) CTm(3/2(1 - α)2/3[1-(1-a)1/3]-1).At the same time, it has been found that the apparent activation energy Eincreases with the increases of fraction of conversion a and the absolute temperature T, and then it shows that a linear relationship with the temperature Thas been obtained.
Keywords: aluminum potassium sulphate  thermal decomposition  kinetic model
投稿时间:2000-09-01 修订日期:2000-10-23
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