A Novel Symmetrically Substituted Naphthalocyanine: Structure Character of LB Films and Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties
陈鹏磊 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
王东军 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
王小兵 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
刘鸣华 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
甄珍 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
刘新厚 中国科学院感光化学研究所, 北京100101 
王文军 复旦大学物理系三束材料改性国家重点实验室, 上海200433 
陆兴泽 复旦大学物理系三束材料改性国家重点实验室, 上海200433 
摘要: 用水平提拉法制备了四叔丁基萘酞菁锌的LB膜。利用表面压-面积曲线、紫外-可见吸收光谱、小角X-射线衍射等表征了LB膜的结构,结果表明该化合物可以形成较高质量的具有很好层状结构的多层LB膜,在膜中分子大环平而垂直于基片平面并且以分子平面并不完全重合的H-聚集体存在。采用透射SHG方法测量了相应LB膜的二阶非线性光学性质,结果显示在实验条件下该化合物LB膜的宏观二阶非线性系数以及分子超极化率分别为:X(2)=1.1~2.5×10-9esu,β=2.1~4.7×10<
关键词: 对称萘酞菁  LB膜  二阶非线性  二次谐波
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.29992590-1);国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(No.G1999022501)
Abstract: Langmuir-Blodgett films of tetra- tert-butyl naphthaicoyamnatozinc (ttb-Nc), which is a novel symmetrically substituted naphthalocyanine derivative, have been fabricated by horizontal lifting technique and their structures have been characterized by the π-Aisotherm, electronic absorption spectra, small-angle X-ray diffraction, coupled with the information deduced from the second-order nonlinear optical properties of the compound in the LBfilms.It concludes that LBfilms with good layer structure have came into being with the ttb-Nc molecules arranged themselves with H-aggregation, which is different from the conventional type one due to the macrocyclic planes of the ttb-Nc molecules in the aggregations have an incomplete overlapped configuration.Namely, the angle between the axis of this column-like H-aggregation of the ttb-Nc molecules and the macrocyclic planes of the compound is not just 90°.Astaggered process for the ttb-Nc molecules to take this form of H-aggregation has been found after its solution spread onto the subphase surface.Particularly, second harmonic generation (SHG) from the LBfilms has also been detected.The macroscopic second-order susceptibility (X(2)) as well as the molecular hyperpolarizability (β) of the LBfilms for the compound under the experimental condition were estimated to be X(2) = 1.1~2.5 × 10-9 esu and β= 2.1~4.7 × 10-31 esu, respectively.In spite of the moderate high values of these two data, the research work expands the investigation field for the SHGmaterials.
Keywords: symmetrically substituted naphthalocyanine  LB film  second-order nonlinear optical properties  second harmonic generation
投稿时间:2000-11-21 修订日期:2000-12-30
摘要点击次数:  1309
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