Study on Overall Protonation Constants of Tetraphenylporphyrin Derivatives
胡珍珠 湖北师范学院化学系, 黄石435002 
朱志昂 南开大学化学系, 天津300071 
王传志 南开大学化学系, 天津300071 
摘要: 用光度法测得六种四苯基卟啉衍生物的表观质子化常数及质子化热力学函数,并用半经验量子化学计算方法PM3计算了卟啉环中两个氮原子(=N-)的净电荷,探讨了取代基的电子效应及空间效应对质子化常数的影响。
关键词: 卟啉  质子化常数  电子吸收光谱  PM3  热力学
基金项目: 湖北省教委基金(No.97A046);国家自然科学基金资助课题(No.29871018)。
Abstract: The overall protonation constants of six tetraphenylporphyrin derivatives were determined by spectrophotometric methods.The changes of standard molar enthalpy △rHmΘ and the changes of standard molar entropy △rSmΘ of the reactions were obtained from the plots of InKΘ vs 1/T.The Porphyrin molecules were calculated by using semiempirical PM3 method.The influence of electron effect and steric hindrance of substituting group on overall protonation constants was discussed.Experimental data and theoretical discussion showed that the degree of porphyrin protonation depend on electron and steric effect.The values of the protonation constants are increased as increasing donor conjugate effect, while steric hindrance of substituting group reduces the constants.
Keywords: porphyrin  apparent protonation constants  UV-VIS spectra  PM3  thermodynamics
投稿时间:2000-08-12 修订日期:2000-12-18
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