Research Developments of Long Lasting Phosphorescent Materials
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
丁红 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
摘要: 90年代发现和发展起来的铝酸盐体系长余辉发光材料是一类重要的新型能源材料和节能材料。本文主要综述了最近几年来铝酸盐体系中长余辉发光材料研究进展。指出了氧化物体系长余辉发光材料的特点和优势,总结了新型长余辉发光材料的基质和激活剂种类、性质及其对稀土离子长余辉发光性能的影响和作用,概括了长余辉发光模型,并提出了今后研究和应用的发展方向。
关键词: 氧化物体系  稀土离子  长余辉发光  机理
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.59982003);广东省自然科学基金(No.990484);教育部《高等学校骨干教师资助计划》资助项目
Abstract: The long lasting phosphorescent materials composing of alkaline earth aluminates, which were found in1990s, are a kind of important energy power and saving energy materials.Due to potential widespread application as night display materials and unique advantages in safety and environmental protection and stabilization over the precursors, such as, zinc sulfide and alkaline earth sulfides, research on the materials has attracted much interest.Recent developments on the long lasting phosphorescent materials are reviewed in present paper.The characteristics and advantages of the long lasting phosphorescent materials with oxide composition are pointed out.The kinds and natures of hosts and activators which compose the long lasting phosphorescence materials and their effect on the phosphorescnt properties are summarized.The mechanism or model of the long lasting phosphorescence is generalized.Future development aspects of researchs and applications about the materials are proposed.
Keywords: oxide systffes  rare earth ions  long lasting phosphorescence  mechanism
投稿时间:2000-09-22 修订日期:2000-11-16
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