The Discussing of Quartz Problem in the Synthesis of Detergent-Used Zeolite 4A from Montmorillonite
黄明 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
刘志城 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
董家禄 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
须沁华 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
关键词: 蒙脱土  酸性白土  4A  沸石  石英  测定  去除
基金项目: 国家863计划项目(No.715-064-0120).
Abstract: Zeolite 4A is the main substitute builders for sodium tripolyphosphate in non-phosphated detergent.It can be manufactured from savageness clay and the cost may greatly be reduced by this method.In the manufacturing process of detergent-used zeolite 4A from montmorillonite, it is important to remove quartz from clay or zeolite, otherwise the product will not qualified for detergent additive.This article provides two methods, the calibration curve method of quartz content by XRD and the calibration curve method of aluminium ion concentration in synthetic system, to determine the quartz content.Then three methods of removing quartz were studied on, including the methods of whirlwind during the mill run, filtration after alkalinization of silicic acid gel and sedimentation of zeolite.
Keywords: montmorillonite  activated silicic acid gel  detergent-used zeolite 4A  quartz  determine  remove
投稿时间:2000-04-05 修订日期:2000-06-21
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