Computer Simulation of the Geometries of Pbn(n = 2~30) Microcluster and Surface Behaviour of fcc Lead
李思殿 西安交通大学材料工程学院, 西安710000
太原师范专科学校 太原030001 
金志浩 西安交通大学材料工程学院, 西安710000 
关键词: 势能函数  Pbn结构  表面模拟
基金项目: 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(No.971017);回国人员基金资助项目.
Abstract: Structures and relative stabilities of lead clusters Pbn(n = 2~30) have been simulated based upon a 2 + 3 body potential energy function optimized from fcc lead.Pbn follow the growth pattern Of close packed distorted-tetrahedron structures, typical of metal cluster geometry sequence.The surface nergies of (111), (100) and (110) surfaces and corresponding surface contractions have also been alculated with the same potential.
Keywords: potential energy function  pbn clusters  surface simulation
投稿时间:2000-01-18 修订日期:2000-06-12
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